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How would you help on this community and why?

13 - Pulsar

I can see that different people have different approach on how to help on other people posts. And I was wondering if adding a sample WF for the suggested solution is the correct thing to do in order to help the person to find a solution?

I will be interested to know what are your thought about this topic!

Kind regards,

11 - Bolide

@OTrieger I feel it mostly depends on the question you are responding to. Some require a simple screenshot to demonstrate a concept or a written formula, others require a whole workflow to get them what they are looking for. If a whole workflow is needed, then I would attach the workflow. If, however, a formula with explanation will work, I would probably just write out the explanation and the formula. I don't want to make the person have to download an entire new workflow and open it in order to see a simple solution, one that could easily be written out and read in a matter of seconds. As in most things, there is no "one size fits all".

18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

I agree with @cpet13 - it really depends on the situation. I am also more likely to help with a workflow if they provide their own workflow and just need that little bit of help to get over the line! 

19 - Altair

I'm more of a fan of describing the steps taken. Try to get someone to fix it themselves. Sometimes there are situations where it's easier to just fix it/upload it/etc. but for more straight forward things - I would try to describe it. 


13 - Pulsar

Thanks. From my point of view sharing WFs with others is not the correct way. There are always exceptions. However we need to consider what is the purpose of giving help, is it to guide them toward the solution or give them the solved problem. As Alteryx provides a very good training materials, I do believe that if someone would like to master Alteryx that person should do these training and understand how the tools works and how to configure them. Therefore I will try to avoid providing WFs but instructions or guideline that the person will still need to get it done and gain some experience from doing it. Copy pasting a solution and then configuration it based on data, I do not see much learning here. So I believe that helping is not providing the solution as a WF, but that is my point of view.

11 - Bolide

some members technically just answer and provide the solution without explanation.. 
i say teach a man how to fish...  not give him fish all the time..

i don't agree with " please see attach WF"... lol

because of this mentality, some new users just rely on the community for quick answers.. 
yes the question answered but it's like doing somebody's assignment for them.. 

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Like others have mentioned, I think it depends on the situation. If someone provides data, I'll generally create a workflow to test my proposed solution. If I build a workflow, I'll attach it.


There's also some value in having example workflows to review. For example, I like to dig through and tinker with multiple solutions attached to weekly challenges to see the different approaches people take (after I have attempted it!) - it's a great way to learn.


I think whether or not someone gets value from a workflow attached to their question ultimately comes down to their appetite for learning. 

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

@Bren_Spill wrote:

Like others have mentioned, I think it depends on the situation. If someone provides data, I'll generally create a workflow to test my proposed solution. If I build a workflow, I'll attach it.


There's also some value in having example workflows to review. For example, I like to dig through and tinker with multiple solutions attached to weekly challenges to see the different approaches people take (after I have attempted it!) - it's a great way to learn.


I think whether or not someone gets value from a workflow attached to their question ultimately comes down to their appetite for learning. 

Agree and to me, it is a process helping myself to improve.
It is not only the Alteryx to me, it starts from understanding the problem presented, understand the data, come up with a solution. it is a whole logical excercise to me.😁

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

I agree with@shancmiralles :Teach how to fish, instead of giving fish.

In my opinion, we should describe more about data process and why that approach is suitable to the question. Also, just showing the link of reference suffice in most of cases!

That is not only for teaching them but also for somebody who will reach to that post in future by Google search. I'm always helped by the past excellent solutions posted in this community everyday when I'm stuck.


I'm not comfortable to see the conversation like somebody ask "Pls help." and others reply "See attached WF. Accept my solution." It's just like Seafood shop..."I need fish", "Here you are. If you like, rate 5 stars."

13 - Pulsar

I think that we need to consider what is the real purpose of helping here. Are we want to give the person the end solution? Are we want to get him learn how to do it himself? What will be the nest way to help him so he can implement the solution by himself in the future? If we give final solution will he really learn from if or not?

The fact that we are building ourselves the solution to see if it works or not is a good practice as you would like to know that you give the correct solution. For the long term I believe if we want to give the best help will be assist the person get the solution developed by himself, with guidance that help him to do it, and not do it for him.

I saw posts that despite of the fact that a WF was shared the person still did not manage to get it work, but this is not surprising as he lacks the knowledge, so the minute that something vary he does not know what to do, as it beyond his knowledge.

Knowledge = understanding. If you help him understand it he will manage to figure it out and then will have the knowledge. And knowledge = power!!! 

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