Hi all,
I have a prior tool that includes month/yr that is used to feed into a drop down tool app. Every month as a new month of data is added, a new month/yr will appear. However, this new month/yr will not show up in the Drop Down app as an option until the workflow has been run the first time. How do I get around having to run the workflow twice or is that even possible? Thank you.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Month/Yr is from a tool or from an app? how is it being generated? Drop down is directly linked? Can you give us some more info in terms of workflow design and datatypes? month/yr can be finicky in a drop down because of formatting issues.
I think this is not possible since alteryx is not supporting runtime application.
Here is a sample workflow. Currently I have data in the workflow from Jan 2021 to Jun 2021 and it is feeding into the Drop Down as a selection when running the app. If I were to add in Jul 2021, that month would not be available as a selection in the drop down until I've ran the workflow once. My question is - is there a way to not have to run the workflow before the Jul 2021 value would be selectable in the drop down. Thank you.
This is amazing. I thought this method was amazing. But now I know that this method has a drawback 😐
Thanks for sharing. I don't know about the fix though. Lets see what people have to say.
Yeah - I've been seeing if I can get a workaround via macros and the like and I don't see it happening.... Chained apps are probably your best way to do this... Dropdown will then be updated during first app's run.
Hi @ELPC - You need to run a workflow, but you can create a seamless user experience using chained apps. You can learn how to build chained apps here: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Interactive-Lessons/Chaining-Analytic-Apps/ta-p/243120
Ok, I got it to work with chained apps. I have attached the files for others to reference.
Original Workflow:
Chained Apps -1st:
The first app must create a file with two fields called "Name" and "Value" to be used as an external input into the Drop Down tool in the 2nd app.
Chained app - 2nd:
This is the configuration of the Drop Down tool that grabs the output file from the 1st app.
This has been the best explanation for the chained apps for me!! Many thanks for uploading your example.