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How to show parentheses in a negative number

7 - Meteor

Hi all,


What is the best practice to add the parentheses in a negative number to be "-40,000" to be "(40,000)"?


I'm new to this tool and appreciate your help.


Thank you in advance

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I would do it with a formula like this


negative number.png

7 - Meteor

Hi DavidP




5 - Atom



How do we do this when we have the number in 'double' format? Its giving me an error saying - Error: Formula (18): The formula "" resulted in a string but the field is numeric. Use ToNumber(...) if this is correct. (Expression #1)


Using ToNumber doesnt help as it converts the string to 0.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @sushantsane 


Numeric formats such as Double does not support brackets or 1000 separators. You therefore have to change the data type to a string first.

5 - Atom

That does not work. Since the if statement expects a number to use, throwing up error that it needs the data in number format !

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @sushantsane 


In my example above, the field [number] is a numeric datatype - double would work here - but the field [new number] is a Text data type, since you're adding non-numeric characters.


[new number] is the new field created in the formula tool.


I'm guessing that there might actually be 2 errors in the formula tool:


1. When I see double quotes "" it usually suggests that a new field is being created in a formula tool, but that a name for the new field was not entered

2. The results of the if statement is a Text value, but the datatype of the new field is specified as a numeric type such as Double.


If you can attach your workflow, I can take a look.



6 - Meteoroid

Hi DavidP, 


Thanks for sharing the formula. I am wondering how to convert the negatif number as indicated in the exemple to (40 000) without ",". 


Thanks for your insights ! 




6 - Meteoroid

[Solved] for anyone has the same issue as me, please refer to this solution.




8 - Asteroid

thank you so much! I try to use the same formula but there is an error showing "resulted in a string but the field is numeric...Use ToNumber() if this is correct. May I know what shall I do to solve this data type error? 


Fyi, my current data type should be "double"


