I need to automate a single workflow 500 times with 500 different output spreadsheets.
I tried an iterative macro however, I don't need the output of the workflow to go back in as in input.
I also tried a batch macro however, I don't need the results to be unionised but rather I need it to output into 500 different files.
Is there a way of simply running it 500 times?
While building the batch macro don't stream the data out. Instead use an output tool inside the macro itself to create files. You can pass the filename as field. Make sure filenames are different. This way the file is created on each batch macro iteration.
Another solution could be to use the output option to output to specific paths with a path for all the 500 files maybe and run it as one process. It depends a lot on what you are doing in your workflow.
Yeah that wouldn't work as I need to repeat it 500 times because there's a randInt in the workflow that gives a different result for the entire dataset. Giving it 500 outflows won't work if I'm only running that randInt once.
You can do a batch macro without a macro output.
Use the Output tool to write to your desired destination output file names, but do not change it to a "Macro Output".
The file names can be dynamically updated based on the "batch" that you generate from the RandInt.