I cant find a formula to remove the specific characters at start and end of a string.
Can you assist? Thx
Trade ID New Trade ID
82_AE2020102280737096_80737094_20201026_NE AE2020102280737096_80737094_20201026
82_11289116747_20232331_NE 11289116747_20232331
Thanks Brandon.
How do I interpret the expression that you suggested .*?_(.*?)_NE
If I have another record of trade id on the input
example 3940OC9105050191012_P:EUR_R:HKD_1_1 and the result will remain 3940OC9105050191012_P:EUR_R:HKD_1_1, can I put a condition within parse to default to Trade ID?
Thanks Mark. There is an error on the formula on Malformed If statement.
Instead you might want to use the following
The parenthesis indicates a marked group so what this updated formula is saying is to only pull the data between the first and last underscore. My previous formula would only pull data until the last underscore and an NE. Can you try this regular expression and let me know if it works better for you?