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How to download Google Adwords data in Alteryx?

7 - Meteor

I am trying to dowload the Googele Adwords data in alteryx. Is there anyway to download Google Adwords data in Aleryx?

11 - Bolide

loving this thread can't wait to try the macro



Alteryx Everything, Leave no one behind.
5 - Atom

Hi Daniel


I hope you're well! Thanks for this! This macro post is the reason I am considering Alteryx as a software solution however I am having the following issue and I'd be very greatful if you could help me out! 


In the my google console I've got 2 credentials, one is for a "web application" and the other is for "Other", these both have respective client Ids and secrets.


Step 1: When I apply the "Web application" id to the Adwords Macro I get an error saying that it will only work with a Native application, when I use the "Other" I get the Google account chooser page, which I assume is correct.


Step 2:  I get the code off of the "Success" page and paste it along with the Client Secret and run the code again only this time I get an error. 


Step 3: using the "Other" credentials I am not sure where i can get a refresh token from.


Now if i step into the macro and hard code values into the Text Input (39) box from the "Web application" credentials, I got the refresh token using the OAuth2 playground and authorised the api ( It all works until the Download (47) box and filter (72) configuration box. I get the following error:


Error: invalid_client

The OAuth client was not found.


Now I can only assume this is because I haven't specified my Adwords management account details, like i have to do if I used the "Other" credentials in step 1. But I can't seem to generate a refresh token for those credentials so I'm at a loss how to resolve this issue! Also my adwords developer token is for a test account. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated!




14 - Magnetar

Can you help with an error I'm having please ?


I think I'm filling in all the values properly, but I'm not sure what "Code (retrieved from Step 1)" is, but when it doesn't matter what I put in there, I get this error:


Tool #56: Parse Error at char(1): Unknown variable "toekn_type" (Expression #1)


any ideas please ?

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus



Sorry for not replying before know. I have been quite busy for the last couple of hours.


Can you send me a email on and we can schedule a screensharing session.


Best regards,


6 - Meteoroid

Thank you a lot for the macro. I am also getting the "unknown variable token_type" error. Any help would be appreciated :)


Many thanks again. 

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus



Can you send me a email on and we can schedule a screensharing session.


Best regards,


7 - Meteor

I would love a DCM connector, FB connector (Inviso isn't getting the marketing metrics I need)), Adwords, essentially the social media, digital adverting connectors. 

5 - Atom

Huge set of keywords and phrases help us in getting faster analytical results. My friend got help from one of the best teams of Pay Per Click Advertising for her saloon promotions. Walk in increased a lot and almost all the bookings are through the website messages only. Live chat is another major feature giving positive results.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi Daniel,


I am new to alteryx, will you please help to guide me how I can use your macro. I've client id and secret id with me.


Thank you!

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus



Thanks a lot for reaching out - this is not the exact same macro, but it should give you a nice overview of how to run the 3 steps needed to authenticate.


Please let me know about the result. And post any errors if you have problems.


Best regards,


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