Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How to create all possible combinations of 2 different sized data sets?

5 - Atom

Hey - 


I am trying to create every combination of 2 sets of data of different sizes. One data set is a set of Locations (around 10), and the other data set is a list of customer accounts (around 2000). I would like to create a table of each location mapped to each customer account.


I am able to perform this in Access easily, but am trying to convert current Access tools to Alteryx.



ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

I believe what you're looking for is the Append tool. You can use the smaller Location dataset as the Source and the customer data as the target. This will add each record from the Location dataset to each record of the Customer dataset, giving you 2000 x 10 total records (or, if you transpose the Location data so that each location is in it's own column in one record, then you'll just be appending those 10 fields to each record of your customer dataset). 


Is this what you were hoping to achieve? If not, perhaps some examples of a before & your desired after result would help us narrow down the right solution!




5 - Atom

Thank you, Nicole!


This was exactly what I was looking for!
