Hi All,
How should I calculate Last week number
E.g If the Date is 2020-02-01 week number should be 4 and year should be 2021
If the Date is 2020-01-04 week number should be 53 and year should be 2020
Hello @Sarita_Kumari ,
Try using this on the formula tool:
Edit: This formula takes the current week except if the calculation refers to last year. If that happens it calculates the last years week by subtracting a whole week and adding then 1.
The counter starts at 0, therefore there is no need to subtract.
Thanks for your reply. But I am looking for previous week number for current Date also.
Hello @Sarita_Kumari ,
If you want the result to show it for the previous week using the current date you have only to change the field parameter:
Given that Alteryx counts the weeks of the year starting by 0, on the counter, 2020-02-01 for alteryx belongs to the 4th week (4 weeks plus week 0).
So there is no need to subtract a week since it is already giving you the value you are looking for.