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How to adjust excel file row height?

5 - Atom

Hi everyone,

Is there a setting in the basic table tool I can adjust to set the row height to 15.00 in my excel export sheet without having to adjust in excel itself?

Currently the table is defaulting to 16.50 for row height in the file and it's just one of those things that look better if the formatting was properly set... 



I am using the table tool and render tool to output my file. I've adjusted fonts, font sizes, and set each columns with rules and paper size (in render), margin (in render). Still no luck...


if anyone has any insight, it was would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!





11 - Bolide

I wasn't able to find the setting either... 


And to be honest using the render tool to write to an excel is very slow. If the number of records increases your workflow will become very slow.


A better solution would be to write to a Template Excel File that Already has all the formatting you need.


This can be accomplished using the following method:


1. Copy Template (Formatted Excel file) from another folder and rename as desired output 

2. Write to this location.


You'll need to install this tool if possible. (It was created by Bob Peers)


Install link:


You can read about it here:


You can also see it in Action on Alteryx Gallery Here:!app/File-Operations/5f4016520462d715e4d43e97


If you are unable to install the tool the other option is to use the Run Command Tool to Copy and Paste you template.



Please see attached example I've built of Writing to a Template File:



Please let me know if you have any question or if you'd like to know more about using the run command tool to copy your template instead.




