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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How to add extra row with reporting tools

8 - Asteroid

Hi All! 

I need to add a row on top of the existing table with a Table reporting tool. Is it possible? My current workflow and desired output are attached. Thank you in advance for your help


Update: sorry, I forgot to mention that I am getting raw data for multiple customers and at the end, I want to generate different tables for different customers. With the solutions provided below grouping by a customer in the Table tool doesn't work. I have attached workaround workflow provided in the solutions with my changes.

17 - Castor

@xariet, is this what you want to achieve?


Creating separate excel files







Sapna Gupta
8 - Asteroid

Hi Sapna

yes, I want to create separate excel spreadsheets, but my problem is to create two headings as on the below screenshot. Your solution below only has one heading row, and I need to create two heading rows (yellow and blue).


With all the solutions already provided I can do it only if I have one customer in raw data, if there are more customers and I group by a customer in the Table Tool I am getting below outcome - no second row heading for the customers' tables and a separate table for two rows heading.




