Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How to Uninstall Salesforce Input and Tableau Output

8 - Asteroid

Hi @AlteryxProducts,


I would like to ask for your help on how to uninstall Salesforce Input and Tableau Output tool in the Designer?

I forgot to run the Designer as an Admin in the Alteryx Server before installing these tools. Which I believe is causing the problem when I want to run the workflow in the Gallery.

As of this time, I am in the testing phase of creating a use case before our company purchase the Server license.


Below is the error I encountered in the Gallery when running the workflow.




Many thanks!



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @Mwatts23,

you should be able to just delete the folder here: 

C:\Users\<<YOUR ID>>\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Tools\<<TOOL NAME>>

(1) Solved: How to uninstall tool from .YXI Install? - Alteryx Community

8 - Asteroid

Hi @IraWatt ,


Thank you for your quick reply. I was able to delete the Salesforce Input and Tableau Output folders.


The Designer where I would like to install these tools are part of the Alteryx Server. Now, when I Run it as an Administrator, the Salesforce Input and Tableau Output tools won't install, but if I run the designer not as an Admin the installation continues.


Is there something that I missed for the installation to continue while running it as an Administrator?


Many thanks!

