Hi Experts, I have a ask where I need to separate plan and Actual into two different Colum and also change the format from column view to row view.
Please see the attached XL file, the tab "Output" is showing current data set and "Sheet1" is showing desired data set.
Please help.
Thank you in advance for your time and advise/solution.
Dwarkesh T
Hi @DwarkeshT,
The attached workflow will only work with "Clerical Payroll" but could be modified if you want to keep other columns as well.
Hi @DwarkeshT,
It looks as though you'll want to pivot your data twice (firstly to get each Expense fields into one column, and secondly to separate out actual and plan into separate fields).
If this solves your issue please mark the answer as correct, if not let me know! I've attached my workflow for you to download if needed.
Kind regards,
Solved, thank you very much.
Thank you everyone, appreciated support. It is resolved.