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How to Put multiple Tables in mail body

8 - Asteroid

Hi All - 


I have been trying  to create solution where I can put 20 tables in mail body with one liner comment after each table.


example -- 


Table 1

comment - 100kg goods sold dated 10th Oct 2020.


Table 2

comment - Laptop xyz is out of stock dated  10th Oct 2020.   .......... it goes on till 20th  table.



Is there any way we can do this.. any help would be appreciated.




Mukesh Y





17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Mukeshy12390,


I have used this solution in order to help you:


From your message I understand that you know how to configure e-mail tool. I hope you will be able to go from there. 

If this was helpful please mark it as a solution!


8 - Asteroid

thanks for the quick reply.


one thing I have noticed the table fields get stretch to largest table's width.


Is there any way we can control width of each table.



10 - Fireball

Can you try using two seperate table reporting tools, control the width of each, and then use a layout tool and set it to automatic or fixed. My assumption is it might take the %width from both the tools and fix it

8 - Asteroid

thanks Amarendra ... it does work only if generate output in "Render Tool" but if try to put those table in mail body tables get stretch.


any other suggestion which we could try?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Mukeshy12390,


Did you tried using the fixed width. You can choose how many inch it should have. 




Hope this helps!

8 - Asteroid

I tried It doesn't work... I have checked table and Layout.




5 - Atom

Hi guys, I have similar problem. I've managed to send multiple tables in email body but how to add some additional comments/text before or after each table?

8 - Asteroid

comment can be handled using "Report Text" tool.


somebody please suggest about my issue.

8 - Asteroid

Finally i able to do with help "Visual Tool"..


Thanks everyone.
