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How to Combine a Multi-Sheet Excel File with a File Generated by the Render Tool

7 - Meteor

I have an Excel file with multiple sheets, and I’m using the Render Tool to create a new Excel file with one sheet that holds a visual (created from the interactive charts tool). However, the Render Tool doesn’t allow me to specify the sheet name or append the sheet to an existing file.


How can I combine the new sheet with the original multi-sheet Excel file?


Since the Render Tool doesn’t provide options for appending or specifying sheet names, I’m looking for solutions to efficiently merge these files. Any ideas or best practices would be appreciated!

21 - Polaris

@Mhmd I don't think that is possible with Render tool, another option is to create all these multi sheets along with the sheet which holds the visual using render tool

7 - Meteor

Can you please explain your idea in more details?

21 - Polaris

@Mhmd with render tool it is not possible to append to an existing excel file. The one option I  mentioned before was; you need to create all the sheets using render tool (your input file has multiple sheets then you have to re-create the same using the render tool along with the actual output sheet), one thing ,you cannot adjust the paper size per sheet, if you selected a paper size in the render tool it will get applied to all other sheets, also i don't think this option is easy one, 

7 - Meteor

Okay I got it. But I have a question. Can I create the sheets that hold the data using output tool and use the same sheet to save the sheet the contains the pie chart generated from render tool ?

21 - Polaris

@Mhmd You can create the pie chart sheet using the render tool then using the output tool you can create the rest of the sheets on the same file, make sure use the block until done tool and create the render output first then try to write the rest of the sheets using output tool, i think it should work but i never tried this combination

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