Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How do i connect to Remote Desktop

5 - Atom

HI All,


I have a scenario where i will have to connect to remote desktop from my Alteryx Desktop and from the RDP will have to goto a website and download the data and get that to my local desktop , is it possible to do this alteryx 

9 - Comet

Hi @Lavanya_Naidu can you explain it a bit more.  Meanwhile if you have a alteryx desktop in your system and there is a dataset which is on remote desktop, just copy the data and paste it in the local system. I will work

5 - Atom

Hi  @manoj_k , I am trying to automate a repetitive task where i would need to connect to RDP and inside Remote Desktop i will have to goto a website and download the data .


I will have to use run command tool to connect to RDP, i want to know how to set up configuration of the tool ?


16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

hi @Lavanya_Naidu 

In order to manipulate data where you cannot reach unless RDP connected, you at least need to install Alteryx Designer on RDP environment, too. With this assumption, one way is:

1) In your local computer, synchronize Sharepoint folder to your local drive.

2) Run WF in RDP to download data by Download tool, and write out to that Sharepoint File.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You’ll need to check with your vendor / Alteryx officially before you download Alteryx on a Remote Desktop environment. You’ll need to notify them as it may not be covered in your contract. 

Alternatively, why are you using a Remote Desktop to go to a website? More context will be better @Lavanya_Naidu 

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
19 - Altair

@caltang - I can think of numerous reasons one would want to use Alteyrx on a remote desktop - feel free to reach out if you want some real world use cases. primarily it's for some kind of security issue/infra access issue.


Here's the official gude and useage rules btw -


having said that - I don't think the OP can do what they want. It sounds more like an RPA/UiPath thing. You can execute a script in a cloud VM (like a startup script) and you can create the VM (and startup script) via CLI (aka via run command/Alteryx). It's pretty cumbersome - and requires tons of specifics and cloud CLI know-how which if you/your team had you a) probably wouldn't be using Alteryx for b) probably wouldn't be posting here for a solution.


I think I mentioned on another thread this requires  a LICENSE SERVER - not a SERVER LICENCE. This point can be confusing - even internally at Alteryx.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Yeah I get that - just wanted to know more what the user is doing. Thanks for the link, by the way.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE