The variance will not be impacted as the join will ensure numbers are not duplicated and stay relevant.
As for Sept. I can see that you wrote Sept. I think it should be Sep or if you want it to be Sept then ensure its written that way in the lookup table. If you are not sure, attach a workflow and I will show you where to make the change.
Thank you so much for your help!!!
Any time @KVlahovljak .
Please also accept one of my replies as a solution.
It was a joint effort. as they say team work.
I had another question if you don't mind. I want the variance to calculate from July to August and so forth. With me adding this in the end is it doing that?
Of course, How are you calculating the variance. Its better not to guess. tell me what the calculation is and we will do it.
Give me a little example.
this what you currently have:: Write doen next to the record what you expect. Is it based on the count or ? Different from last month and current.
Count Variance Year month
772 79 FY19 Jun
419 -353 FY20 Jul
790 235 FY19 Aug
688 -6 FY19 Oct
698 10 FY19 Nov
555 -218 FY19 Dec
957 538 FY19 Jan
773 -184 FY19 Feb
693 -198 FY19 Mar
810 20 FY19 Apr
891 193 FY19 May
446 -569 FY19 Jun
I have it based on the count but i need it based on the count showing the difference month to month?
Got you. I think you need to move your multirow tool after the sort.
I attached the workflow for guidance.
This did it, it really is the little things!! Thanx again!!