@ImadZidan Thank you so much!
Where would I add this in?
Hello @KVlahovljak ,
Apologies, I was offline.
Well interesting. If you attach the workflow, I will add it. Its difficult just on visual.
I would say the you should replace the top part with the incoming data.
If you can attach workflow, it will be great. empty data if you have to.
As I think this through will the variance adjust based on this? I need to show the variance between July to August, August to September etc?
Have a look at the attached workflow.
Lets look at the order first and we will look at the variance.
If the order looks good to you, The join that you had was only oin the month but it should also include the year. This is why you were getting some duplicates and variance inconsistencies.
Well, have a look and let me know your thoughts.
BTW, well done on the way you added the months per year. this gives you the flexibility to have different order per year if you wanted.
This is amazing, I made a change and now Sept has fallen out of my line up. I double checked the numbers and have no idea why this is? Other than that it is perfect. DO you know if the variance stays the same or recalculates based on the months?