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Hierarchal XML Parsing and Size Usage

8 - Asteroid

I am working on a series of hierarcharl XML files.  In the example below I take one of the 50 files to be processed and transform the XML.  What is interesting is that the second step, creates 777,943 rows using 52mb, however the XML parse objects returns fewer rows, but uses alot more space. 


When I run this sample with all 50 files in the directory, Atleryx creates a temp database file that consumes all of my 500GB free HD space. 


Can anyone provide insight as to this memory usage, and why Alteryx builds a 78GB Engine directory in my temp folder to process a hierarchal XML file that is only 24mb?






12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

When you are Parsing are you keeping the orignal XML, child values and outer XML? I have had this increase the file size exponentially before.

8 - Asteroid

I have Return Child XML and Return Outer XML set.   The magnitude of the growth really does not seem reasonable.  Can anyone from Alteryx comment on this and if this is a reasonable and expected result?

8 - Asteroid

I opened a ticket with Alteryx on this issue.  The resolution was simple.   When I disable all Browse Tools in the Runtime tab for the workflow configuration, all problems went away. 


"The browse tool can be a sneaky culprit for hogging resources.  Since the browse everywhere was introduced (the preview in the results window), many folks like to remove them once development is complete. "



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