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HTML Output on the Gallery

5 - Atom

I'm trying to automate the creation of some HTML files. When i run this on the gallery and open the HTML file in Notepad ++, i can see the following lines are added to the body:

<div><script src=''></script><script src=''></script></div>
<div><script>window.ayxChartQueue = [];</script></div>


<div><script>var ayxWaitAndRender = function () {if (!window.ayxChartQueue) return; if (window.Plotly) {clearTimeout(window.ayxChartTimer);window.ayxChartQueue.forEach(function(cb){cb();})} else {clearTimeout(window.ayxChartTimer);window.ayxChartTimer = setTimeout(ayxWaitAndRender, 500);}};ayxWaitAndRender();</script></div>



These lines do not appear in the HTML file when i run it in the Alteryx Designer. Can anybody tell me what these mean and why they are included as i am at a loss? The reason it is important is that i am using a dynamic input tool later in the workflow to read the HTML files back in, and adding an image link to the HTML, and outputting the file again, so it is messing up the position the image link gets put in the output.

15 - Aurora

Hey @Ste6274 


Are you outputting charts on to the HTML page?


These chunks of code are related to the integrated Plotly tool that generates the charts in Alteryx

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