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Google Drive tools not letting me connect

Humberto Jimenez
5 - Atom

I've spent a couple of hours trying to connect my personal google drive to Alteryx with no luck. 

I've followed the guides provided by Alteryx on how to setup an API and the Google Drive instructions.

It's important to mention that the Sign In via Internet Browser option is no longer available, my only option is to setup a connection.




From the Google Cloud Side I've done the following:

1 - Created a project

2 - Enabled access to the Google Drive API

3 - Completed the OAuth consent screen (See images below), I've added my email and left scope as is. 


4 - Created my credential with the URI  



Back in Alteryx I've done the following:

1- Setup my Google Drive Input Advance OAuth credential 


2 - Tried to add the Google Drive Input OAuth Tokens, but this seems off, as you can't really input the token anywhere. 


3- Tried to establish a connection using the credentials


When clicking on Link, the browser opens and I get the following message



What am I doing wrong? Hope someone can help me out. 


I've also went into the OAuth 2.0 playground to get the access tokens, but not sure if that step is required.





8 - Asteroid

Defect detail here, seems it won't be resolved in 2024.2. Hopefully next release



14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

@Humberto Jimenez  I think it's important to investigate a comment you made as it's shaped your solution.

"It's important to mention that the Sign In via Internet Browser option is no longer available, my only option is to setup a connection."


@acowpy If the sign in via the internet browser was an option, would you choose this?


To resolve this, you could try changing the User Settings DCM options. I'll show you why in the following screenshots:


1) No browser sign in options (as DCM is enforced)

Screenshot 2024-11-11 093736.png


2) Can now see browser sign in options:

Screenshot 2024-11-11 093625.png


Perhaps the browser sign in can resolve the issue you're facing.


All the best,




All the best,


19 - Altair

@Humberto Jimenez --- hey -- only 3 months late here - but this is what google says:

To use a localhost redirect URI for a Google app, you can specify a URI that refers to the local machine in the Credentials page when creating your OAuth client ID:
  1. Go to the Credentials page
  2. Click Create credentials > OAuth client ID
  3. Select the Web application application type
  4. Fill in the form and click Create
  5. For testing, specify a URI that refers to the local machine, such as http://localhost:8080
The redirect URI is the endpoint where the OAuth 2.0 server sends responses to your app. The value of the redirect URI must match one of the authorized redirect URIs for the OAuth 2.0 client. If the value doesn't match, you'll get a redirect_uri_mismatch error. 
You can also use a free redirect service, like RedirectMeTo, to set up a redirect on localhost. 
which makes sense to me --- short is play with the accepted domains for redirect url and the redirect uri/uri to match localhost.
having said that - you have no scopes. you need scopes. if you don't grant your app scopes you will not able to do anything.... short is the reason why Alteryx's app won't work is SCOPES. when you set up your own GCP app GCP says "I trust you know what you are doing when accessing your own information --- so if you want to grant this scope that's cool." When Alteryx does that it says "hmmmm.. this seems very permissive--- let's dive into why you want these scopes and then review your full code to make sure you aren't seeing anything you shouldn't. this should take a few months and cost say $8k." I don't pay Alteryx's bills - but if I did I'd say - "sounds fine - let's expedite this because my users need Google Sheets." I'd also say "who said we should combine Drive and Sheets in one tool? Have you heard of the principal of least privilege?"
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