I have recently upgraded by designer to 2023.2 to coincide with an Alteryx server upgrade. My workflow was using an output to tableau server tool that no longer exists with the new version of designer. I downloaded Tableau Tools v1.4 and set up a connection to the desired tableau server.
When I run the workflow in designer I get the following error in the Tableau Output: <class 'AttributeError'>: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'dtypes'
Has anyone had the same error and how did you fix it?
Solved! Go to Solution.
@cro159 That is a Python error likely caused by some outdated library within the tableau Output tool due to the Tableau output tool itself being outdated. This error is listed as a bug fix for the latest Tableau tool release. Please try installing Tableau Tools v 1.4.1:
As you will see its on page not 2 not page 1, very unintuitive interface hey so wouldnt be suprised if you missed it!
all the best - Rhys Cooper
I am using Tableau Output Tool 1.4.1 and I still recieve this error. Is this a known defect?
I am using this as well, that's what I'm trying to figure out here.
So I talked to our SLED engineer regaridng this issue this morning. He suggested the issue is caused by using a data cleaning tool on datetime fields. I took a look at the workflows that were causing the issues and sure-enough, every workflow where this issue tripped, the Data Cleansing tool was being used prior to upload. I kept the tool but removed any date-time fields from the clean and so far it has worked well. Have not seen the issue since this update. Hope this helps.
For some reason, I too took out DateTime fields and this worked.
The issue was within one of the date fields, thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
It appears that there is some sort of bug or just a change in how the tableau output v1.4 works compared to the old tableau server output, to where it does not accept dates that are way out in the future. I had a few dates that were showing 100's of years out(already a mistake) and this was causing the tool to fail. I filtered them out and the workflow ran perfectly.
Many ongoing issues... I was able successfully connect it and run with ONE output source after multiple attempts :). However, adding more than 2 outputs in the same workflow creates additional challenges. No solution at the moment and we are trying to engage Alteryx support team... I am using 2021.4.2 version of Alteryx and the latest "Tableau Output" v1.4.1
1. “Failed to signin to Tableau”
2. “NoneType” object has no attribute “get”
3. “Failed to connect to the server”
4. “Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)”
The error still persists using the 1.4.1 tool.
We are running
AS: 2023.2.1.133
Designer: Version: 2023.2.1.133 Patch: 3
Has anyone found a solution to this yet?