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Get File Owner Or Author Name

6 - Meteoroid



I am using Directory tool and easily able to get the file information like Name, Path, Date etc.


Is there any work around to get the file Owner OR Author information?


Any help would be appreciated.




20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



I have "any help" for you.


If you use a RUN Command, you can perform the DOS command of DIR and request the owner information (as well as any other parameters that you desire).


DIR /Q gets you the owner information.  


I used a run command and configured it to write the output to a results file.  The output from the run command tool is not what you're looking for.  The output is the "READ RESULTS".  I didn't know how to get the results.csv into the stream of work, so I would likely chain theCapture.png


In chaining your application, you could write the directory results to a static file location and then use that in your next application where you parse the owner data.




Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
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9 - Comet

Thank you, @MarqueeCrew! We have not had this work fully for us yet, but it is much closer than what we had.

We had to remove the '>' for it to even run.It now runs without error, but nothing is written to the Output! Thoughts?





9 - Comet

I was also struggling with the Run Command tool like the author. I tried @MarqueeCrew's solution as it was and didn't get immediate success.

After some tinkering around with MarqueeCrew, we came up with the following solution, which was more ideal anyways.


We added an 'Event' to the workflow that is set to trigger before the workflow begins.


event cmd.png

The Event was configured as follows:


Where you can replace DIRECTORY_NAME with the directory path, and DATA_OUTPUT with the name you'd like to write the author information to.

From there, that file is accurate up to the run time. Then gets loaded at the start of the workflow!


Major kudos to Mark for all of the help. Let me know if there are any other questions.

Attached sample workflow.

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

@DylanDowrick ,


 teamwork makes the dream work





Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

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