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Fuzzy Match In Alteryx

7 - Meteor

Hi ,


Have 2 files one is customers and other is vendor and also have one master file need to compare Customer and Vendor files with master to see if any customer or vendor exists in Master file and the challenge here is names are not consistent for suppose in master file we can have name like John M Doe and in Customers we can have Doe John Something like that names are not same in all files any idea how to achieve this using Fuzzy match?


attaching my packaged file please check and let me know if anyone find any solution any help highly appreciated




13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

@varun511 The attached workbook doesn't have the files packaged into it. If you could repackage and send, we could probably help a bit more.


Fuzzy Matching is more of an art than an exact science. A finished project will never be perfect, but you will need to tweak it based on the results you get on each attempt.


Also, it looks like there wasn't an attempt on this workflow so I will give you some background and suggest you try it out for yourself!


Fuzzy matching doesn't work like a typical join. All of the fields you want to process have to be on a single stream into the fuzzy match tool. Meaning that you will likely have to union everything so that all "customer names" are a single field. It's important to note that there are two ways to compare records. Either each record compares to each other or records from 1 source compares to the other sources. So If you are bringing in a "Customer" and a "Lead" file, put some designation on which records are coming from where. 


I would suggest watching this video:

Treyson Marks
Managing Partner
DCG Analytics
21 - Polaris

@varun511 have you checked the fuzzy match example tool



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