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Find places within zipcode range

5 - Atom

Very new to Alteryx - I have database for all the Providers (Hospitals) address and I would like to enter a zip code and give user to set distance (10mi-25mi) and depending on selection - I want to list down providers fall in that...


Is there a known macro or any easier way to achieve this?


Thank you in advance !

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



Given an input address or ZIPCode, you can create a trade area of any distance.  You can then perform a spatial match to find the providers that exist within that trade area.  There are multiple ways to achieve this goal.  But before doing so, I have a question or two for you:


  • Are you interested in entry of a ZIPCode and finding the providers who are within 20 miles of the center of the ZIPCode or from any point within the ZIPCode plus those 20 miles away from the edge of the ZIPCode?
  • Did you purchase the spatial data that Alteryx offers?
  • Did you purchase the data bundle that includes D&B data?

If your providers are stored (with their spatial objects) in a Calgary Database, then you can use a calgary join tool and match the spatial object from the creation of the trade area.  This is a very fast lookup.  An alternative is to use the spatial match tool.


Tigerline shapefiles exist on and are useful for creation of data like you are seeking.  The alteryx Street Geocoder will provide you with ZIP answers.  Depending upon your needs, a combination of these resources might be helpful.  I have access to the spatial and data packages and make full use of them.


There is a training session available for finding customers within a trade area.  This training video should get you on your way: (@LeahK).




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8 - Asteroid

Hello @MarqueeCrew , 

Hope you are doing good. am stuck at a point where am not able to validate my workflow that is use to calculate zips that are under a given radius. ZIP codes have habitually abused geography and at a point am not able to build a database with proper coordinates. Am not able to make sense of the spatial data available from US census forum as well  as you provied. The shape files has ZCTA5CE10 but not zip id actually or other files are ArcGis files that are not readable by Alteryx. 


End of day, am building a macro that outputs me the zips in a given radius which is fed as input from a WF. For this, I need to have base file that holds latitudes and longitudes to calculate the required on the fly or proper shape attributes depicting the same. Free data available either doesn't contain full zips in US  or incorrect lat/log values for certain zips. Badly need some suggestion in building this project. Looking forward for your guidance. 


Note: we had spatial data earlier as part of the Licensing but not now. I also don't have proper GeoCoder database available inbuilt with the tool to make use of the Address tool. 

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