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Find Replace or Join | Multi - variable vlookup

6 - Meteoroid


Apologies if this has been asked before and/or this has a simple answer - I am relatively new to the platform and the community. 


I have a set of data that I need to run a set of if statements on, but are in seperate tables.  In one table (Table A below), I have the supplier data and the API Data side by side.  However, I need to clean this data up using the look up table (Table B), to decide whether the "cleaned version" is the supplier or API data.


In essense, I want to run test to see if the supplier data (table A) matches a value in the supplier column (Table B).  If it does, then I want to test to see if the API data can provide any additional information on that line item.  If so, then use that as the cleaned out-put.  If not, then use the Default value in the Cleaned -out column.


(example of Data) Table A:

Supplier DataAPI DataCountCLEANED OUTPUT (Post Alteryx workflow)
Metal 1Metal
Metal 10MMMetal - Bronze , 10MM2Metal - Bronze
Metal - SilverSilver3Metal - Silver


Table B:

Supplier Data Entry ** ContainsAPI Data Check ** ContainsCleaned Version
MetalMetal - SilverMetal - Silver
MetalMetal - BronzeMetal - Bronze
Metal Metal


** If it helps at all, this is how I think I would write it in SQL using an if statement and the two different tables:


B.cleaned_version, A.Count

from tablea as A

left join tableb as B

where b.supplierdata in a.supplierdata

    and (if b.APIDataCheck in A.API then b.APIDataCheck

                   elseif B.APIDataCheck ="") in  A.API



15 - Aurora

Hi @lamprechtN,


I might be able to get close to what you're after by using two Find/Replace tools one after the other, followed by a formula to clean up the findings a bit. It sounds like you're looking for "metal" in one step, and looking for a type of metal in the next step.  I utilized that in the attached example to produce results similar to your example.


Hope that helps!



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