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Filtering by first three characters

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I am trying to filter by the first three numbers of ManagerID. I am doing this in database. Any ideas on how I could do this? Thank you!

11 - Bolide

Try using a Filter In-DB tool with something like: 


"ManagerID" LIKE '123%'


To filter for records where the first three characters are 123.  


filter in-db.PNG

Inactive User
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Thanks! Do you know how I could do it so the end user can do the filter? I am making this an app.

11 - Bolide

I'm less familiar with apps, but try this!  I've got it set to update the value 111 to the input value.  




I'm not sure how to post functional in-DB Connect or  Data Stream In, so this is unconfigured but the filter seems to be working.  

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That is perfect, thank you! Would you mid explaining how you build that out? 

11 - Bolide

Trial and error for me and app tools!  🤣


Once you have your filter in-DB tool inserted and configured, you'd insert a Control Parameter tool connected to it, and a Text box tool connected to the control parameter.  You'd configure the Control Parameter to Update Value, Replace a specific string, and whatever your placeholder text is like this:



Does that help?  

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