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Filter by a field and create seperate report

7 - Meteor

Hi all,


I have a data in excel with 30 columns one of them is salesperson and region. I want to create a dynamic filter by salesperson name and base on this generate seperate report for each of salesperson name and send the email to them automatically.

On the top of that, i would like to depend on the region field to filter seperate report by region and send to manager (a region have many salesperson)

I found some batch macro in the forum and tested them out but they dont work as I want... i think because the macro works differently when i use input from an excel file?


Can anyone advise if it can be achieve and how to do it? Very appreciate your help


ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

for the reports, use the group functions - it will pass through the values in the output:



then you can create a lookup table off to the side of which user get's which reports. you'll likely need a separate stream for the users and managers since those will be rolled up at different levels of granularity. 

7 - Meteor

So you mean i dont need to use a macro batch filter to filter the name and create report seperately? I think the macro batch would work better. I tried the report and group be the salesperson but it will have all the person there. How can i send each salesperson report to his/her individual name? 

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

You can absolutely user a batch macro in this instance, but it will likely be simpler if you batch the reports and send to your list of emails. You can control the report distribution per email address you send to. I have a process now that sends individual reports to account managers and subscribers all in a single process without any batch macros. I'll mock something up here shortly for your case.

7 - Meteor

Thank you so much... my concern is the information is sensitive so my thought of batch macro filter is to ensure the data can be received by dedicated person... but unfortunately, non of the batch macro i tried work for excel file filter on column ... i will test out your workflow and fingercross for it to works.


Thank you again

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

absolutely want to make sure you aren't sending to the wrong people 🙂


See my attached example workflow:


basically, if you have the permissions per store/region, you can just join those to the groups of reports and send out a single email to all of those that have the permission. (see the summarize tool for grouping emails). you can get fancy with it as well if you want CC or BCC for certain reports. let me know if this doesn't work for you. The input file is the sample database from the alteryx install, so that file path should be good if it's installed in the default directory. 

8 - Asteroid

@jarrod This worked great for an workflow i was creating! I used a Report Text Tool and the Table Tool and then joined them on my primary key to split out the table data by person. My issue now is that I need that "grouped" (table filtered per person) to be inserted into the Report Text Tool so I can use that as my Email Body. The issue is that after I embed the table, it just appears as hmtl in the Report Text output. Is there a way to get the table embedded into the Report Text Field to where id renders correctly?

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

@JMart2135 it sounds like you'll want the layout tool after a join (on ID) for what you are looking to accomplish. With the layout tool, you can place the report text element next to/above/below any other report elements. For above, you'll need to change the layout tool setting to vertical and in the box in the bottom left you'll be able to order the elements. 


Fun report formatting side note - you can also use report snippets within tables, effectively creating tables within tables.

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