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File download using download tool

7 - Meteor



In my organization, i have a portal and files are present in a particular path. I want to download few of them. 

To download manually, the moment i click on the file name the download starts, it doesn't come in the URL path which i can use in download tool.

How i can download these files? Right now all i can get from the portal is the information which has javascript. <!doctype HTML> nothing of which i can comprehend.

Thanks in advance

22 - Nova
22 - Nova
7 - Meteor



Thanks for the link. I have tried this approach but this requires the link to have the file name. I don't have that. 

I even tried pushing the file name at the end of the URL string but it didn't work. 

Most likely this seems to be consisting of multiple parts of some variable which can download.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @rajat_del 


Can you show me how does your URL looks like.


Hope this helps : )



7 - Meteor


Within this the portal opens up. It looks like google drive. But when i click on any file, it just downloads it.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @rajat_del 


Sorry, Dont have idea 😐
