This is just happened today or in the last 2,3 days (today 12/20/2020). I run Alteryx flows for my report daily. By some non-related reason, I didn't run my report from 12/17 - 12/19. Today 12/20, I ran & found out that these fieldnames are automatically changed from lower case to capital: City, State, County, Zip. In my flow, these fields are lower case, the output Excel file, of course, their column names were also lower case. But today, they are still lower case in my flow, only become upper case in the Excel output file.
Anyone has the same experience? Do you know the reason?
Below are the field name at the Select
The meta data of the Excel output file after the Select:
I can deal with it but this is annoying for the out of control changes. If you know the root cause, please share. Thanks
Interestingly strange issue. I have never faced this before, want to see if anyone has anything to say about this 🤔
Interesting indeed.
just in case, are you sure they are the same data?
If you could share something, lets try to replicate it on our end.