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Field not contained in the record - SELECT or Auto Field

7 - Meteor

Hello there,


I have a weird situation.


I am reading a csv file from Azure data lake using the alteryx connector, doing some processing and then writing it to SQL DW. It works well with the file that I used for building the workflow. However, when I pick a different with same structure and column names from from data lake, I am getting a warning saying "the field is not contained in the record, if I use SELECT tool after reading. I get similar warning saying "the field was selected but missing from the record" if I use auto field tool. See attached.


The field show is always the first column in my file, in this case Transaction_Number. However, this column is successfully written to the output. I am not sure why I am getting a warning. I want to resolve this warning because I want to rename this column to something else. If I proceed with this warning, the renaming doesn't work - I just get the old column with values.


Thanks in advance.

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Ilango 


Compare the field names in two input files to make sure that they're exactly the same.  Pay special attention to leading and trailing spaces in the names. 


Use 2 Input tools to read in both files.  Follow each of these with a Field Info tool.  Join the outputs on Name and look at the R and L outputs to find the columns that don't match.



7 - Meteor

Thanks Dan for a quick reply. I tried what you suggested. It's not matching the field "Transaction_Number" for some reason. I tried matching even after trimming the spaces. I am guessing it might be encoding. I will check and update.

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