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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Feed my workflow model 1 csv at a time

5 - Atom

I have a forecasting model but I have 8 different categories to forecast on. I have wrote 1 macro that splits my data into 8 different csv files so I can then run each file through my forecasting model by attaching a macro.


I am trying to create a macro that feeds my model 1 spreadsheet at a time, I am trying to use a control & action batch macro but I am having trouble making it loop through all 8 csv files instead of just 1. I have attached the macro that I am currently trying to get working.


Any help would be appreciated.

8 - Asteroid

Can you provide a minimum reproducible example of all the macros? 

5 - Atom

Sure, I have attached my macro that is splitting my data (it's just test data) into 8 different csv files that I then want to read into my model 1 at a time. I hope that makes sense, sorry I am a new Alteryx user.
