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Extracting data from a PDF page

8 - Asteroid

Hi Alteryx Champions, I am trying to extract data from a PDF file, I have been able to get all the other pages extracted using R code, however this page attached that is not coming thru appropriately. Any help on a Regex or formulae tool to get this information would be great. To be more specific i want all the locations to come in one column and the workdays to be in the second column. Not so much worried about the other columns. I need location, workdays and COVID workdays.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Go ahead and give us your workflow too so we can help out with however it’s coming through! The best way is to Export the workflow under Options

15 - Aurora

DO you have Alteryx Intelligence Suite?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@Raj@Pranab_C is saying that they are using R code, which makes me think the PDF input tool from the gallery is being used

15 - Aurora

I think i Missed it.
thank for bringing it to my attention.

8 - Asteroid

This is the code that i have, I am unable to extract the table information properly



data <- read.Alteryx("#1", mode="data.frame")
pdf_file <- file.path(data$FullPath)
txtdata <- pdf_data(pdf_file)

output <- txtdata[[1]] %>% add_column(page = 1, .before = "width")

for(i in 2:length(txtdata)){
    data <- txtdata[[i]] %>% add_column(page = i, .before = "width")
    output <- bind_rows(output,data)

write.Alteryx(data.frame(output), 3)
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@Pranab_C as mentioned, it would be best to have your workflow so we can see what that code is producing. That way, we can suggest the right formula / regex on the data

8 - Asteroid

Attaching the sample PDF file and the workflow package. these are just two pages from a typical file, but data would be in the same format.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I am sorry, but I am not an R expert so I can't directly affect your code and I am not sure what your output is. It does run but it’s different than what I’m used to - I use this tool with R code to help out and perhaps you could use it in this case: PDF Input - Alteryx Community. I used it and it read the data in better than the way in the .yxzp.


Then you can use Alteryx afterwards to parse out the parts you need. I can try to help with this, but only if it’s the path you want to go down. Good luck!

13 - Pulsar

Utilizing the structure you had prior, here is a workflow (not the prettiest) that parses that pdf.
