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Extending A Standard Tool - Basic Data Profile Tool

9 - Comet

The Basic Data Profile Tool has a size limitation that I would like to open up. For my normal use cases the Original works great.


Can standard tools be modified? If so... I would like to basically open up the size from 300MG to 2GB or 5GB and save it as "Basic Data Profile Ext" so I can use it in those special cases.

Where are the macros for the standard tools located?






Some tools are in fact macros built on other tools (Data Cleansing for example), but others like the Basic Data Profile aren't built to be modified. You may be interested in taking a look at the built in "Data Statistics" analytic app that you can navigate to by going to Options -> Run Analytic App and selecting Data Statistics. If you point it at a data source it will do data profiling and automatically generate a PDF output. You can also click edit if you want to see the workflow behind the scenes. 


Data Statistics.png

9 - Comet



I appreciate the response back.


This is my first exposure to an analytic app.


A couple of observances with this app:

The password is exposed in the very top lines of the PDF report.

There are some fields the do not return a Top 10 value list (looks like number fields)

It is copyrighted.  Is it ok to use/take/modify the flow?








The copyright question is an interesting one. I don’t have an answer to that, but the logic in the workflow is using very common Alteryx tools and transformations to derive the information. You may want to email for an answer on legal specifics.


Put simply, an analytic app is a way to parameterize a workflow much like a stored procedure in SQL. The tools in the interface category automatically build an app interface for you when dragged onto the canvas and can be set up to modify the configuration of tools to act differently based on the options selected. These apps can then be deployed on the Alteryx Server and non Alteryx Designer users in your company can interact with them. This is a valuable method that companies deploy their self service analytics strategy while also allowing for non technical stakeholders to get results on demand. 

I would suggest taking a look at these training videos:



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