Here's an expression I'd like some help with:
IF [Qry Fin Impact] = "Y" AND [Baseline to Final
Reim Change] != 'null'
Round(( [RW Diff] * [Blended Rate 2016]),0.01)
ELSE 00.00
This is giving me the error: Invalid operator !=
In Alteryx what is the NOT EQual operator?
In the IF statement, when you want an AND comparison what is the syntax?
AND I'd really like to find a general overview of expression building in Alteryx but I've not found this in the Knowledge area. Can anyone recommend an overview of how expression are built in Ateryx?
¡Resuelto! Ir a solución.
Got it.
IF [Qry Fin Impact] = "Y"
AND !isnull([Baseline to Final
Reim Change])
Round(( [RW Diff] * [Blended Rate 2016]),0.01)
ELSE 00.00
Note that the ISEMPTY() function is slightly more generous than ISNULL() -- it captures empty records as well as nulls.
Online function docs aren't bad for how to put expressions together:
Would be nice if we got a step towards Tableau or Excel formula editing in v11. Have found it useful to use them to help with writing formula in past.
That is exactly what I've been looking for.
Ah, I like to know there are these little differences. In this situation 'null' is what I need.