Hi Folks, I am trying to use the MD5 function( Select MD5(Column) as X from Table) to Mask one of the field which is Vw string data type, While passing the query from Input data tool Getting the error stating Error: Input Data (1): Error SQLBindCol: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Program type out of range,
@Tridev_7900Dev What driver version are you using?
Hi Deano, Currently i am using Simba Odbc Driver for Google Bigquery Version
@Tridev_7900Dev If you try to run a simple query on a smaller subset of your data does it still error?
Hi, @Deano478 I tried running the query without using MD5 it worked out, but my requirement is to use Md5 and hash one of the primary key and bring down the results to alteryx engine.
I think that the problem is that the MD5 hash value is larger than the max column size of the original column. I think you need to both create a hash value AND convert the datatype to larger format...
so assuming your column is parameterized (see here - https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/data-types#parameterized_data_types) you would do something like:
select MD5(cast(column as string)) as X from TABLE Y
This is not encrypting btw - this is hashing. There is a huge huge difference. You can have Google create a key and encrypt this column - otherwise this data is less easibly readable - but still convertable back to (presumably) PII.
also worth checking if you have a max column size in your odbc driver.