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Error: Too many fields in record #

6 - Meteoroid

I am having trouble with one file import, getting the below message. Read by increasing the Field Length would solve the problem, that did not work. Help!!! :)




7 - Meteor

using no delimiters is a great idea for solving the issue 

Error: Too many fields in record


if you are not able to change the number/have always the same number of delimiters in the source file(s)

1. input data with no delimiters

2. the number of delimiter characters

3. add the missing number of delimiter characters per line

4. use the text to column tool to generate columns again

5. deselect the first column since this contains all column data in one field

6. done

of course, this will not work if the number of delimiters differes like 5-n characters, but if its only a few like 1-3 you can use a formular to correct this :-), e.g. if the number of delimiters should be 20 but sometimes its only 19:


if REGEX_CountMatches([Field_1], ";") = 19
then [Field_1] + ";"
else [Field_1]


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