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Error Publishing to tableau Server (10.1) - "REALMOID"

9 - Comet

error publishing to tableau.PNG


Has anyone come across this error message before? I get this when trying to publish to Tableau server.

15 - Aurora

I've not seen this error myself but a quick google of the error seems to indicate that it's an issue with special characters.


Do any of your headers contain special characters?

9 - Comet

No special characters. I publish to a server with the same structure without issues (9.3) but to this one with the same folder name/structure, just a different url (10.1),  I get the error

9 - Comet

Finally have this matter resolved. Apparently this was not an Alteryx issue. I tried to publish a tableau dashboard to the dite also and got an error. apparently there were some proxy settings applied that prevented anything from being published. Once that was provisioned, everything else worked flawlessly.


Thanks everyone for your quick responses.

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