Hi All,
I am trying to achieve utilizing names from dropdown in such a way that, i can assign a number (cost/time) against that specific name only.
Is that possible based on the Test input file in order to get an output attached?
Solved! Go to Solution.
@db89 you can try something like below
@binuacs hey thanks for the response! this is what i have been doing, but the problem is, it replaces the number when entered from the text box, but resets when i enter for the new person from the drop down. Say for A i entered 12, but when i select B and put 22, for A it goes back to default value.
@db89 updated workflow attached, your change will get write into your input file itself
@binuacs Thank you so much for sharing! however it is returning the default (10) value once the names are changed and a different value is entered in cost.
@db89 Can you screen shot your input vlaues and output here? Below are my three changes in the same file
I think you want chained apps here so app a selection feeds to app b.
@binuacs hey your solution actually worked, I didnt select the input as the output file and hence it was not functioning properly! Thank you so much for your guidance on this!
@binuacs hey hope you are doing well. I just wanted a little more help understanding how to use months as a dropdown to in such a way that, if A has cost for Jan and Feb, then after selecting A's name I can select a particular month to update the cost against them. I have attached the updated sample input.