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Dynamically Join Data

8 - Asteroid

Hi all I am currently try to take this process and make it more automated so instead of using a join that I tell Alteryx to join on I want it to be dynamic because it could be different fields every time the workflow is run potentially. 


I have a macro I've built out and attached below. But I am running into issue with it, so I created a field labeled SC + Filter that puts the user's designated filter, the code of that filter and then the managers name in the hopes that I can just pass that field through the macro (i.e. [Project Name] = "1234F"| Jessica Snow


The error I receive says Parse error (Expression #1 Record #3: Tool #22 Unkown variable "Jessica". Basically, I think that the way I have configured the macro with the SC +Filter field is incorrect. Any advice?




13 - Pulsar



the variable name is = "1234F" is correct, but | Jessica Snow right after is error is not Alteryx syntax.
What is this Jessica Snow?




8 - Asteroid

@geraldo so that field i.e. [Project Name] = "1234F"| Jessica Snow is meant to bring in the manager name and i have it configured like so in the macro (which I have a feeling is incorrect).





13 - Pulsar



I didn't understand this symbol | and then Jessica Snow's name.
This operator | what is it for?
Jessica Snow should not be in quotes "Jessica Snow"
Explain better why it's giving an error in the name Jessica

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @laurennewton 


Any time you have an error of the form "Unknown variable "Jessica"", in a tool that's modified by an action  tool, it's caused by the action tool replacing too much of the target string.  In this access the final equation is probably evaluating to [SC + Filter] = Jessica so Jessica is seen as a field name as a opposed to a string.  The equation should be [SC + Filter] = "Jessica"  with quotes around Jessica so it's seen as a string literal.  Try changing the config of the action tool to replace the entire string by unchecking the "Replace a specific string:"      





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