hi everyone,
My goal is here for Alteryx to dynamically create excel files, and name them based on the vendor number field from my dataset and output as many excel files as many number of unique vendor names it founds. Additionally the todays date in the file name. In a formula field I have created the file path:
'C:\Users\Missing invoice\Dynamic test\'+ Vendor +'-'+ DateTimeToday() +'.xlsx/Sheet1'
Then when I bring in the output data command, and set it as per the picture. However, I still face an error which says that 'You must specify a sheet name' which I clearly do. So at this point I am not sure what to set as a 'Write to file or database' on the top.
Anyone has any idea?
thanks for the help in advance.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi @EtamSoko
The sheet name should be separated by "|||"
'C:\Users\Missing invoice\Dynamic test\'+ Vendor +'-'+ DateTimeToday() +'.xlsx|||Sheet1'
Thanks very much, I was so focused on the dummy location setup that totally overlooked that...it works now of course!!
Cheers 🙂