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Dynamic Rename to replace string from the dynamic record input

7 - Meteor

Hi, I am relatively new to Alteryx. I am trying to take a column’s unique data as a feed into a drop down list. I read online that using the 'unqiue' tool and the 'cross tab' would help. So I have the below workflow built so far. 


However, when I use the cross tab, my date format changes from 13-Sep-23 to 13_Sep_23.


Given that this input to the drop down list is further supposed to filter dates back in the same column again “TRADE DATE”, the filtering is not successful anymore because of the change in text. 


Could you please suggest how should I get back to original format of my text after cross tab? I want to replace _ with -


Someone suggested using the dynamic rename tool but I am unable to figure out what the configuration should be. You can see what the data looks like after the cross tab tool.

12 - Quasar

@Arnavmahajan The syntax of the expression is Replace(String, Target, Replacement). "String" is the name of the field, "Target" is what you want to replace, and "Replacement" is what you want to replace it with. In your case, "String" is _CurrentField_. Use this expression in the Dynamic Replace tool and you'll be all set: Replace([_CurrentField_], '_', '-')

7 - Meteor

Thanks a lot. That was pretty simple. I was just missing _CurrentField_. Wasn't sure how to reference a dynamic field.


12 - Quasar

@Arnavmahajan It's also important to note that if  you're anticipating your dataset to grow to the right and you want your solution to be dynamic, then don't forget to click on the check box next to "Dynamic or Unknown Fields" in the Dynamic Rename tool. That way you're future proofed.

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