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Dynamic Input tool update comes with sql error SQL0420N Invalid character found in a char

9 - Comet

I have a work flow that takes a user input of Tax IDs and concatenates then into a string field like this: '123456789','789456123'


That then is sent to the sql statement via the dynamic input field.  It works fine if I use the Replace a string field but if I try using Update WHERE clause, I get the Invalid Character error.


What can I do to fix this?








13 - Pulsar

If you are using the Update Where Clause instead of Replace a string, you don't want to use the summarize tool to concatenate them. You want the format to be in a list when coming into the Dynamic Input tool. The dynamic input will concatenate it on its own based on the list of TINs. And it will group them so they dont exceed your specified character limit as well. Try it without the summarize tool. 

9 - Comet

Thank you.  That was the issue.  Works great now.
