I am using a Download Tool to connect via API, and the source data should have about 3200+ email addresses that should be returned. But for somes reason, I am only getting 100 items returned.
In the output, the totalcount is correct (3248 relevant items), but as shown here I only get 100 of them.
The action type is "GET", and I have added parameters to maybe fix the problem, but they did not:
Content-Type - application/x-ndjson
accept - application/x-ndjson
I have also tried changing the output from String to Blob, but still only end up with exactly 100 items.
Googled a lot as well, no solutions found. Anyone in here who might have tried this as well, or have an idea for a fix?
It seems that the api that you are connecting to is paginated, and the default limit for it is 100 registers per page. Check the documentation and see how to pass the page parameter to it.
You will make your first call and get from 1 to 100, second call from 101 to 200...
I've also seen some APIs (Oracle FAH for example) with a default limit. You can overwrite this with something like Limit=10000 - so you may be able to overwrite this in your API call.
Thanks for the replies. I have also previously checked the (rather lacking) documentation, and tried the "limit=100000" parameter as well without success.
The paginated thing sounds like a thing, I have now made a ticket to the API provider and asked for details. At least now I now that it (probably) isn't an Alteryx issue...
@MartinJacobsen there is a high possibility that as @Felipe_Ribeir0 mentioned, the API you're querying from limits you to a max of 100 records. Thus, increasing the limit above 100 would not make a difference. In this case, you would need to use pagination to return the rest of the records. There are quite a few community articles that discusses pagination workflow within Alteryx. A few below may be helpful to get you started on the right track
Hope this helps and please mark as solution if so!