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Download From SFTP - Blank DownloadData

6 - Meteoroid

Hi - I'm attempting to connect to an SFTP site using the Download Tool. I was able to accomplish this last week, and I'm not sure what changed but I'm now getting blank "DownloadData" fields using the configuration below. One of the workflow messages says "No data received from [FTP]; Check the headers for details." However, I'm not sure I'm seeing anything helpful in the header (also posted below). 


Apologies, I can't post the actual site/credentials for obvious reasons but hopefully this will be enough info. In the screenshots, I am using LIST for the HTTP Action, but I have also used the "GET (or FTP)" option and received the same results.


Any ideas on why I'm no longer able to see the data? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!


Header results: 


[Note - there is a disclaimer included in the header from our company's FTP site that I have removed]
220 FTP
331 Enter password
230 User logged in
257 "/" is current directory
229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||53885|)
200 Transfer mode set to ASCII
150 Transferring directory
226 Transfer completed




Note - I have the maximum connections set to 10, and have played around with increasing the Timeout option in case that would help. 






6 - Meteoroid

I changed my URL from "ftp://" to "sftp://" and that seemed to fix the problem!

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