For some reason, I'm losing all of my unique date data and it's replaced with 2021-01-01 when i'm utilizing the summarize tool-group by function. I would expect that like data would be aggregated, not over-written with a generic date repeated down every row of data. Between the two nodes, there is no difference in record numbers.
Thoughts on why this happens and how I can fix it? (the field is a date field and not a string, thought this may have been the issue but did not fix my problem)
Can you provide a snapshot for the configuration of Summarize tool?
@afarmer Please share the summarize tool configuration too. And please check if in configuration you are using group by on TranDate and other field to be aggregated on some function.
@afarmer have you placed a Browse tool on the canvas after your Summarize and double checked that all records now have that 2021-01-01 date? Without knowing more details or seeing the workflow, my suspicion is that you’re using AMP engine and therefore the Summarize has sorted the data so 2021-01-01 (again, guessing this is your earliest date) are all showing first and therefore it looks like this is the only date now without a bit more of a look through.
@DataNath Yes I have a browse tool after my summarize step, i sorted and filtered the tran_date field to check if there are any other dates. Every row is 2021-01-01.