If I conclude X amount of online learnings, I will earn the final certificate (FC)
The FC have some rules, I need some online certifications (OC) in different subjects (S)
It takes the minimum 30h of learning to have an OC in a Level 2 (L2) learning, and
It takes the minimum 15h of learning to have an OC in a Level 1 (L1) learning
Level 2 learnings cannot be from the same domain (D)
Some online learnings give credits for two different subjects at the same time.
The questions is, how to create a workflow that will return the learnings I should do in order to get the certificate faster?
I also need to specify if I have already conclude some of the online learnings, so it takes it into consideration
Please see attachment sample file.
Sheet "Requirements" is the rule
Sheet "Online Learnings" is the main input, with all available learning options
Sheet "Example", explain the structure, how the tool should behave and expected output