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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Data Transformation - Feedback Rating

8 - Asteroid

Hello Everyone,


I am trying to transform the data in multiple sheets into one. Here we have the rating of each Training faculty in each sheet. I have created a workflow however when new training faculty are added to a new sheet they are not added to the output. Need your help to review my workflow and help me if I have missed anything. Attached are the Input data and Alteryx workflow.


Also, I need to eliminate the select record tool where I have placed manual row numbers to ignore while merging, however, if data is added it will give incorrect output.

9 - Comet

@hiteshnpwc  can you include the macro?

8 - Asteroid

@oneillp111  Attached is the macro file

9 - Comet

@hiteshnpwc , I just added a sheet to your file and the results went from 160 to 190, so it seems to work when new data is added

9 - Comet

you could use a template for the columns you want to keep, then union it with the data and output common subset of fields
