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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Data Split into different column

8 - Asteroid

I have  n numbers of rows in A column and i just want to select 100 line from the row and paste in the next column and so on till the data in Column A get end, can anyone help me on this? 

11 - Bolide

Do you mean like this?

11 - Bolide

You want output to look like the following assuming you have 1,001 items?  I didn't show rows 11-99.  If so then I have a workflow that I can document and send over.  I have to switch gears to another project then I'll wrap it it nicely.  I've attached the package as well in case you need it now.row.JPG

row order.JPG

11 - Bolide

Here is a revised workflow with better documentation.  Let me know if you have any questions.

row order.JPG

8 - Asteroid

Thanks but the thing is i  want to splt the row based on columns but based on rows like you said spiltting the rows in 700 coulmns but i want them to spilt with 700 rows in each column .

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Can you show us an example input and output?


I don't think the attached is quite what you are asking for, but I feel like the make columns tool might be useful to the solution.



Adam Riley
8 - Asteroid

Okay so for example i have a single column and which has n rows and i want the data to be divided into multiple columns with 700 rows each .hope this helps..In the file i have given input and output so that it can help.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I think @alex's solution is what you need then.


Attached it with your data plugged in.

Adam Riley
8 - Asteroid

yeah :)
