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Data Extract

8 - Asteroid

Hi There, 


I have a PDF file that has been converted to excel and the excel is now in messy format. 

Is there a tool that will allow me to get all the data relating to contract IDs? The issue is that there could be other nuances in the contract ID column, like a page name or other null spaces. 


the contract ID is formatted as XXXXXX-XXX 

Ex. 1234567-123


Is there a tool i can use to filter the data for contract IDs in the format above? 


Thank you, 


12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hey @Tim6 !


I think will work to you use the Regex tool with the configuration "tokenize" and the formula "\d+-\d+".


Hope that helps!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

You can use the regexmatch() function in the filter to identify any line with the specified format.


REGEX_Match([Field1], ".*\d{7}-\d{3}.*" )


I am looking for anything with an instance of 7 digits - 3 digits in it. Anything that matches comes out of the T output, anything that doesn't out of the F output.




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