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Current and previous month selection

8 - Asteroid

I have the data in following input format:




and I need to output it in the following format:


Here, the current previous month's value should change with the change in a month and the previous should get calculated automatically.


CodeCurrent MonthPrior MonthChange $Change %Jun 20May 20April 20March 20February 20January 20December 19November 19October 19September 19
14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi @PN2527,


The attached workflow is dynamic based on the current date.  The top branch of the workflow compares dates in the data to the current date and labels the current and prior months.  Filter, Cross Tab, Formula and Dynamic Rename tools to get the first part of your required data.  The bottom branch Labels, Sorts, and Formats via Cross tab the remaining desired fields.  A Dynamic Rename ensures the data is in the correct order by using a Record ID tool as the initial label, then replacing that field name with the correct field name.  An Append Fields brings it all together.

Current and Previous Month Selection.png


8 - Asteroid



Thanks for the reply.


I believe record id logic is not working in actual data where I have data of period - 2012 to 2020 and several codes. Also, in the bottom cross tab tool it's giving the following error:


Error: Cross Tab (454): At least one CrossTab Method must be specified (Not counting Total Row)


14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

 Hi @PN2527,


The second Cross Tab method should be either First, Last or Sum - all give the same result as the data is one-for-one.  With additional codes, a couple of modifications were needed to aggregate the data correctly.  I added a second code with sample data so you can see how it will look.



Current and Previous Month Selection v2.png


8 - Asteroid

It works great. Thank you so much.

5 - Atom

I have a similar need.


I need to pull 2 consecutive months but when it comes to pulling Dec 2020 and Jan 2021, there is an error.  The year isn't changing. I'm trying to capture the year from either current date or file path.  Please help. Thank you

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

HI @Bluesky,


If the data is in the same format as the data this workflow should work.  Can you provide a sample of your data?

5 - Atom

I am pulling current and future months of data under several layers of folder structures to pull a several excel tabs from a work book.  Because there is some lag time, I want to pull 2 months of consecutive data but dynamically pull the month and year from current date


Filepath structure example:   N:\\Maps\DT YEAR\Bucket\Jan 2020\[Filename]

                                                              XX ####               


right now, I am using the latest creation date and want to dynamically "hardcode" the two consecutive months based on current date.  


Current date month:  ToDate(DateTimeAdd(datetimetoday(),0,"month"))

Previous Month: ToDate(DateTimeAdd([date],-1,"month"))


However, I need to pull 2 consecutive months and when it comes to pulling Dec 2020 and Jan 2021, there is an error.  The year isn't changing. I'm trying to capture the year from either current date or file path.  I don't know how to dynamically do this - I am setting this on a financial year Oct 1 to Sep 30


if ToNumber(DateTimeFormat(date,"%M"))>9


Lastly, using the latest / max creation date has it's own issues, e.g. if there is a later file and the previous month's workbook was not updated before reading, it will be skipped, hence the two months.  I tried to dynamically alter the filepath using a conditional if and RegEx statement to replace the current month with current month -1 but it didn't work.



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